*Prices reflect U.S. average retail price

Aromatase Inhibitors

Femara (letrozole)

Letrozole, sold under the brand name Femara among others, is an aromatase inhibitor which is used in the treatment of hormonally-responsive breast cancer after surgery...Wikipedia


Manufacturer's Website: Femara                                                                                                                            Average retail cost: $314/10 tabs

Aromasin (exemestane)

Exemestane, sold under the brand name Aromasin among others, is a medication used to treat breast cancer. It is a member of the class of antiestrogens known as aromatase inhibitors...Wikipedia



Manufacturer's Website: Aromasin                                                                                                               Average retail cost: $1,450/30  tablets

Arimidex (anastrozole)

Anastrozole, sold under the brand name Arimidex among others, is a medication used in addition to other treatments for breast cancer. Specifically it is used for hormone receptor-positive breast cancer...Wikipedia


Manufacturer's Website: Arimidex                                                                                                                                      Average retail cost: $1,924/30 tabs

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