Phenothiazine Antiemetics

*Prices reflect U.S. average retail price

Phenadoz (promethazine)

Promethazine is a neuroleptic medication and first-generation antihistamine of the phenothiazine family. The drug has strong sedative and weak antipsychotic effects. It also reduces motion sickness and has antiemetic (Histamine H1 receptors but it does not block the production of histamine) and anticholinergic properties. In some countries it is prescribed for insomnia when benzodiazepines are contraindicated. It is available in many countries under many brand names... Wikipedia


Manufacturer's Website: Not Available


Average retail cost: $173/12 suppositories

Promethegan (promethazine)

Promethazine is a neuroleptic medication and first-generation antihistamine of the phenothiazine family. The drug has strong sedative and weak antipsychotic effects. It also reduces motion sickness and has antiemetic (Histamine H1 receptors but it does not block the production of histamine) and anticholinergic properties. In some countries it is prescribed for insomnia when benzodiazepines are contraindicated. It is available in many countries under many brand names... Wikipedia


Manufacturer's Website: Not Available


Average retail cost: $95/12 suppositories

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