*Prices reflect U.S. average retail price

Topical Steroids with Anti-infectives

Dermazene (hydrocortisone / iodoquinol)

Dermazene Hydrocortisone / Iodoquinol for Skin Infection, Eczema, Itching, Athlete's Foot, Ringworm, and Jock Itch.


Manufacturer's Website: Not Available                                                                                                                   Average retail cost: $52/tube

Vytone (hydrocortisone / iodoquinol)

Vytone Hydrocortisone / Iodoquinol for Skin Infection, Eczema, Itching, Athlete's Foot, Ringworm, and Jock Itch.


Manufacturer's Website: Not Available                                                                                                                   Average retail cost: $835/30 packets

Neo-Synalar (fluocinolone / neomycin)

Fluocinolone acetonide is a corticosteroid primarily used in dermatology to reduce skin inflammation and relieve itching. It is a synthetic hydrocortisone derivative... Wikipedia


Manufacturer's Website: Not Available                                                                                                                         Average retail cost: $880/tube

Alcortin A (aloe vera / hydrocortisone / iodoquinol)

Alcortin A used for Skin Infection, Eczema, Itching, Athlete's Foot, Ringworm, and Jock Itch.


Manufacturer's Website: Not Available                                                                                                                            Average retail cost: $7,733/tube

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