Tricyclic Antidepressants

*Prices reflect U.S. average retail price

Norpramin (desipramine)

Desipramine, sold under the brand name Norpramin among others, is a tricyclic antidepressant (TCA) used in the treatment of depression.[6] It acts as a relatively selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, though it does also have other activities such as weak serotonin reuptake inhibitory, Ī±1-blocking, antihistamine, and anticholinergic effects. The drug is not considered a first-line treatment for depression since the introduction of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants, which have fewer side effects and are safer in overdose.... Wikipedia


Manufacturer's Website: Not Available                                                                                                                                 Average retail cost: $65/month

Surmontil (trimipramine)

Trimipramine, sold under the brand name Surmontil among others, is a tricyclic antidepressant (TCA) which is used to treat depression. It has also been used for its sedative, anxiolytic, and weak antipsychotic effects in the treatment of insomnia, anxiety disorders, and psychosis, respectively. The drug is described as an atypical or "second-generation" TCA because, unlike other TCAs, it seems to be a fairly weak monoamine reuptake inhibitor. Similarly to other TCAs however, trimipramine does have antihistamine, antiserotonergic, antiadrenergic, antidopaminergic, and anticholinergic activities... Wikipedia


Manufacturer's Website: Not Available                                                                                                                                 Average retail cost: $483/month

Silenor (doxepin)

Doxepin is a medication used to treat major depressive disorder, anxiety disorders, chronic hives, and trouble sleeping. For hives it is a less preferred alternative to antihistamines. It has a mild to moderate benefit for sleeping problems. It is used as a cream for itchiness due to atopic dermatitis or lichen simplex chronicus... Wikipedia


Manufacturer's Website: Silenor                                                                                                                                   Average retail cost: $633/month

Anafranil (clomipramine)

Clomipramine, sold under the brand name Anafranil among others, is a tricyclic antidepressant (TCA). It is used for the treatment of obsessiveā€“compulsive disorder, panic disorder, major depressive disorder, and chronic pain. It may increase the risk of suicide in those under the age of 25... Wikipedia


Manufacturer's Website: Not Available                                                                                                                                Average retail cost: 1,274/month

Pamelor (nortriptyline)

Nortriptyline, sold under the brand name Pamelor, among others, is a medication used to treat depression, neuropathic pain, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), stopping smoking and anxiety. As with many antidepressants, its use for young people with depression and other psychiatric disorders may be limited due to increased suicidality in the 18-24 population initiating treatment... Wikipedia


Manufacturer's Website: Not Available                                                                                                                                Average retail cost: 1,645/month

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