Fatty Acid Derivative Anticonvulsants

*Prices reflect U.S. average retail price

Depakote ER (divalproex sodium)

Valproate (VPA), and its valproic acid, sodium valproate, and valproate semisodium forms, are medications primarily used to treat epilepsy and bipolar disorder and to prevent migraine headaches. It is useful for the prevention of seizures in those with absence seizures, partial seizures, and generalized seizures... Wikipedia



Manufacturer's Website: Depakote ER                                                                                                                             Average retail cost: $488/month

Depakote (divalproex sodium)

Valproate (VPA), and its valproic acid, sodium valproate, and valproate semisodium forms, are medications primarily used to treat epilepsy and bipolar disorder and to prevent migraine headaches. It is useful for the prevention of seizures in those with absence seizures, partial seizures, and generalized seizures... Wikipedia



Manufacturer's Website: Depakote                                                                                                                           Average retail cost: $488/month

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